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Самостоятельная работа для студентов 1 курса: выполнить на употребление глагола to be: образуйте вопросительные и отрицательные предложения: 1) i am a teacher. 2) you are in the classroom. 3) we are all students. 4) some of the students are boys. 5) two and two are four. 6) that answers are right. 7) he is here. 8) she is near the window. 9) there are only two books in the picture. вставьте пропущенные слова: 1) i _ a student. 2) you_ a teacher. 3) mr.a _a man. 4) mary _ a girl. 5) the man _ on the train. 6) we _ students. 7) what _you? 8) who _ you? 9) who _ he? 10) what _henry? 11) _ i a teacher? 12) _ she a woman? напишите предложения в единственном числе: 1) the books are on the table. 2) the stars are in the sky. 3) are the men in the classroom? 4) are any trains in the station? 5) there are some books on the table. 6) these are flowers. употребление глагола to have. 1. поставьте предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной форме: 1) i have a book. 2) you have an exercise book. 3) mr a has a book. 4) the student on my left has a book. 5) he has difficulty with spelling. 2. употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в простом настоящем времени.(present simple tense) 1) mr. john always (wear) a dark suit. 2) mr. john often (sit) in an arm chair. 3) he generally (read) in that arm chair in the evening. 4) my son usually (go) to bed at 11o clock. 5) the sun (shine) all day in summer. 6) they often (swim) in the afternoon. 3. составьте вопросительные предложения (общий, специальный и вопрос к подлежащему.) всего 49 предложений. mr. john teach(es) english mary knows french you speak(s) spanish they write(s) polish the little girls work(s) late i go to class paddy do(es) much work 4. напишите следующие предложения в отрицательной и вопросительной форме: 1) he teaches english to the students. 2) he works at his desk. 3) the students come to this room. 4) the students sit in this room. 5) the boys and girls stay with their father at the seaside. 6) the men drink tea and coffee. 7) the boys swim to the big rock every day. 8) the stars are long way from the earth. 9) the telephone is on the desk. 10) the windows are open. 5. ответьте на вопросы а) утвердительно, б) отрицательно, используя краткую и полную форму. 1) does the man work in the field? 2) do the men work in the field? 3) does she make good coffee? 4) do you make good coffee? 5) is the man very handsome? 6) is he reading a book now? 7) do they speak english? 8) can they speak english? 9) can she speak english? степени сравнения прилагательных. 1. образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степени прилагательных: beautiful, comfortable, bright, correct, friendly, difficult, heavy ,strong, tall, late, dark, young, warm, big, short, new. 2. образуйте от прилагательных в скобках сравнительную или превосходную степень: 1) summer is (warm) than winter. 2) summer is the (warm) of the four season. 3) london is (big) than manchester. 4) manchester is (small) than london. 5) winter in london is (foggy) than in paris. 6) frieda is(old)than hans. she is the (old) in our family. 7) i think i am the (bad) dancer in the world.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)am i a teacher? i'm not a teacher 2)are you in classroom? you aren't in classroom 3)are we all students? we aren't all students 4)are some of the students boys? some of the student aren't boys 5)how much will be two plus two? two and two aren't four 6)is that answer right? that answer isn't right 7)is he hear? he isn't hear 8)is she near the window? she isn't near the window 9)are there two books in the picture? there aren't two books in the picture 1)am 2)are 3)is 4)is 5)is 6)are 7)are 8)are 9)is 10)is 11)am 12)is 1)the book is on the table 2)the star is in the sky 3) is the man in the classroom 4)is train in the station? 5)there is book on the table 6)this is a flower 1)have i a book? i haven't a book 2)have you an exercise book? you haven't an exercise book 3)has mr a a book? mr a hasn't a book 4)has the student on my left a book? the student on my left hasn't a book 5)has he difficulty with spelling? he hasn't difficulty with spelling 1)mr john always wears a dark suit 2)mr john often sits in an arm chair 3) he generally reads in that arm chair in the evening 4)my son usually goes to bed at 11 o'clock 5)the sun shines all day in summer 6) the often swims in the afternoon где нужно составить предложения я не сделал короче пять последних я не могу сделать

На закате - at sunset

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