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c) Listen or read. The text has true information. Check your answers.
Suimenkul Chokmorov was a Kyrgyz film actor. He was born in
College of Arts in 1958 and in 1964 he graduated from the Leningrad
Chon Tash village on 9 November, 1939. He graduated from the Frunze
Academy of Arts. As a painter, Suimenkul painted landscapes and
portraits. He painted about 400 paintings and acted in 20 films. He
acted in such films as Jamilya, The Seventh Bullet, The Red Apple,
and I am Tien Shan. He died on 26 September, 1992.
4. Read the sentences. Answer the questions.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

He  has  just finished playing football. – він щойно закінчив грати у футбол. they' ve started doing their homework already. – вони вже почали робити є завдання. i  have been   to france. – я був у франції. i think i  have met   him once before. – я думаю, що колись зустрічався з ним. nobody  has ever climbed   that mountain. – ніхто ніколи не забирався на цю гору. you  have grown   since the last time i saw you. – ти підріс з того часу, як я тебе бачив востаннє. i  haven't seen   you for years! – я не бачив тебе давним-давно! she  hasn't made her work yet. – вона ще не зробила свою роботу. james  has not finished   his homework yet. – джейс ще не закінчив своє є завдання. i  have seen   that movie six times in the last month. – я бачив цей фільм шість разів в минулому місяці.

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