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Вот на эти вопросы. 1) что за грамматическое явление used to и когда используется. 2) назовите островное государство на северо-западе европы, официальный язык которого . дайте название, назовите столицу, и её части со столицами на языке 3) назови 10 прилагательных, характеризующий характер человека 4) что за грамматическое явление present simple. когда используется. примеры 5) назови 10 прилагательных, описывающих внешность человека. примеры(1-2) 6) что такое фразовый глагол? какие глаголы знаете? примеры 7) назови 10 существительных по теме «хобби» 8) глагол like. назови синонимы ( примеры) 9) дай определение past simple. когда используется. примеры 10) достопримечательности британских островов

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Used to это конструкция которая описывает действия в прошлом которые имели место в прошлом и не происходят сейчас переводится на рус яз " имел обыкновение" i used to drink a lot of milk when i was a baby- когда я был ребенком я пил много молока( сейчас я его уже не пью) 2 это государство великобритания официальное название обединенное королевство великобритании и северной ирландии состоит из великобритании ( столица лондон), шотландии ( столица эдинбург )уэльса (столица кардиф)и северной ирландии( столица белфаст) the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland consists of great britain( the capital is london),scotland( the capital is edinburgh),wales(the capital is cardiff),and the nothern ireland( the capital is belfast) 3- noble naughty cheerful ambitious flexible friendly honest independent imaginative reliable 4 present simple это простое настоящее время действия происходят обычно всегда постоянно строиться с глагола do, does и окончания "s" в третьем лице единственного числа( he, she, it).окончание"s" убирается в отрицательных и вопросительных предложения. сигнальные слова для present simple usualy always often sometimes every day seldom she usually goes there she doesn't usually go there does she usually go there? 5 fat cute attractive smart neat nice pretty tall short slender he is cute and attractive. she is a smart and pretty young girl 6 фразовый глалол это устойчивое словосочетание глагола с предлогом или глагола с наречием или глагола с предлогом и с наречием самые основные фразовые глаголы это ( break get run get go come put pick) put on your hat please he is looking for a new job now 7 beading fishing camping billiards collecting cinema- goer chat cards travelling fotball photo 8 admire love to be fond of enjoy 9 past simple простое прошедшее время описывает действия которые прозошли в прошлом и в прошлом же закончились строится с окончания "ed" у правильных глаголов и второй формы у неправильных глаголов отрицательные и вопросительные предложения строяться с глагола "did" и "didn't" при этом окончание "ed" убирается а вторая форма глагола меняется на начальную сигнальные слова last year yesterday last month ago he played football yesterday he didn't play football yesterday did he play football yesterday? she bought a car last month she didn't buy a car last month did she buy a car last month? 10 trafalgar square the thames stratford- upon- avon hide park london bridge

The very first written mention of golf, which is considered the beginning of the official history of the game, refers to 1457. it was then that king james banned the game of golf, because for her his soldiers neglected primary responsibility - training in archery. the ban was expressed in the resolution of the scottish parliament.playing golf - this is a whole separate culture that cherishes many traditions, stories and legends. so, the first woman - golfer considered scottish queen mary stuart. the title of the oldest golf club challenge each other "gentleman golferz" (now "onorabl kampani of-edinburgh golferz") formed in march 1744, and "the royal burgess golfing segayiti" of edinburgh, which is considered the date of its founding in 1735.in 1870, sir david mankreyf made a bet with john white eksvayrom-mel-wine that one of them, who live longer, should give the golf club st. andrew silver stick, which will be recorded the terms of the wager. 13 years later the club was presented to the club by mr. white, melvin. in the same year he was elected president of the club, but has not had time to begin his duties, he went away to the other world. his portrait adorns one of the smoking rooms of the club.in xx century golf even reached the moon! in february 1971, alan shepard, the captain of the spacecraft "apollo-14", made two hits in two balls. in 1974, the putter, which alan enjoyed when playing in space, was donated to a museum.an introduction to golf is much more than just a passion for a new sport - rather, it is a very special introduction to the culture: a rich tradition, aesthetic, aristocratic and multifaceted. (from the series: "an alternative guide to britain") in a fine sunday afternoon you can meet a large number of excited mood pensioners, women and children in british golf club - yes, golf in britain played everything from small to large and without distinction as to gender.  what is the secret of such popularity of this sport? chances are that many britons are looking at golf not as a sport and as entertainment. starting to play golf is never too late. and who of us in childhood did not want to run around on the grass and roll the ball? and do we not want to fill cvoyu life with new colors? so you've decided. start with a walk through the exploration and the nearest golf club. all golf clubs are different, that is, private, municipal and club members only, which on certain days may be open to all. they are separated and course types.  in addition to regular courses, which we very rarely, but it's still on tv (we are talking about the channels "eurosport" and "eurosport-2", there is also mini-golf, crazy golf (or adventure golf) and putting-golf. putting golf - the easiest one club. with him we should start to anyone who is going to get out in the big field. mini golf and crazy golf - child's play. like the "disneyland" with attractions, pirates, dinosaurs and more. these types of golf most and suitable for families hit procedure in the field is simple: buy a ticket - and more cost of the ticket depends on the club's location, field size, and also on the day of the week, ranging from two to fifty pounds, but do not be upset: in japan, for example. the minimum price of a ticket - $ 100 japanese and accidents are going to england specifically to play golf.!   in ukraine and that trenchant: only two golf club and members only. and membership can afford a millionaire. and we have here - a huge selection. if you do not have the necessary prichindalov, do not hesitate. when the clubs there are shops where you can buy everything from golf podshtanikov and ending avtomobilchikom for movement on the golf courses. if desired, perhaps, can be ordered and a helicopter. 

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