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31. Жер-су атаулары мен олардан шығатын пайдалы қазбаларды

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4,6(99 оценок)

Қарағанды -Мұнай

орал-никель , хромить, мыс қара


4,4(24 оценок)

What year did astana become the capital of kazakhstan? astana became the capital in 1998.- what is its original name? -the original name is akmola-what are the symbols of the city? -the symbol of the city - the monument baiterek.-why is astana considered to be a city of the 21st century? -in astana, many of the most modern buildings, parks, squares, beautiful fountains and monuments.-what events are planned in astana? "in the summer of 2017, astana will host expo-2017."

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