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StudentBook 7 класс Danny’s Story

Read the story and answer the questions:

1.What happened in Danny’s family when he was 4 months old?

2.How many brothers or sisters did he have?

3.Where did Danny and his father live?

4.What did the father own?

5.How did the father treat Danny? What did he do?

6.Was Danny unhappy?

7.What kind of a boy was Danny?

8.Where did Danny spend all day?

9.How did they earn their living?

10.How old was their caravan?

11.How large was it?

12.What was the caravan made of?

13.How did they get heat and light?

14.What furniture did they have?

15.What did Danny particularly love?

16.How did his father look like?

17.Why was the father so gloomy and serious sometimes?

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Anewspaper / paper a newspaper is made of paper газета сделана из бумаги 1) a window / plastic a window is made of plastic окно сделано из пластика 2) these dolls / plastic these dolls is made of plastic эти куклы сделаны из пластика 3) a can / aluminium a can is made of aluminium бидон сделан из алюминия 4) a box / cardboard a box is made of cardboard коробка сделана из картона 5) this bath / metal this bath is made of metal эта ванна сделана из металла 6) these aeroplanes / paper these aeroplanes is made of paper эти самолеты сделаны из бумаги

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