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1. Are you going to Australia or New Zealand?
2. Catherine is a sous-chef in that restaurant.
3. Do you mind taking Larry with us?
4. Good job!
5. I didn’t go to the gym yesterday.
6. I don’t want to take part in this competition!
7. Just look at her!
8. Let’s meet on Saturday.
Ex. 2 Define the type of the sentence (simple, complex or compound)
1. Can I give you a word of advice?
2. I don’t know why he accepted the invitation from a stranger.
3. Lenny and Jessy went shopping and we baked an apple pie.
4. The weather was awful and we decided to stay in.
5. We will go for a walk if the rain stops
6. We will go and find you an elegant dress.
Ex.3 Make a complex sentence using and, but, or, so, because
1. Are you going to make a cake? Have you already made it?
2. I bought a magazine. I haven’t read it yet.
3. It rained yesterday. We stayed at home.
4. Mary often goes to the theatre. She loves operas.
5. My brother is married. He lives in Italy.
6. My brother is married. My sister is single.
7. Our neighbors were very poor. They never asked for help.
8. The taxi stopped. The passenger got out.
9. The taxi stopped. The passenger stayed in the car.
10. They’ve got a nice house. They haven’t got a garden.
Ex. 4 Make from the declarative positive sentences to the declarative negativesentences
1. My aunt eats apples.
2. We will go to the cinema this weekend.
3. We were advised to come to school for rehearsal (репетиция).
4. I have seen Peter.
5. They are planning to have a holiday soon.
6. She made a beautiful dress for herself last week.
7. Everybody was waiting at the door to the museum.
8. By the end of the year, he had read about twenty books.
9. He is followed by his friend everywhere.
10. He know how he could help his friend.
Ex. 5 *Choose the correct conjunction
1. Some of my friends have found the work (after – while – before)others are still unemployed.
2. I agree with the idea, (since – although – before) I don’t think it’s quite practical.
3. You should brush your teeth (after – before – while) have finished your meal.
4. Let’s go home (after – before – while) it starts raining.
5. The storm started (after – before – while) the kids were playing in the yard.
6. Give this book to Sam (since – when – until) you see him.
7. He has ridden a horse (since – when – until) he was a little boy.
8. The first jeans were designed for workers, (since – although – before) today they are worn all over the world.
9. The sun is quite warm today, (after – while – before) the air is still chilly.
10. (Unless – When – While) they help me, I won’t be able to finish the report on time.

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41 11  that is mr minus, who teaches me mathematics, but he has not have time to teach me much. i haveonly been in his class for a week.12 did you (hear) his speech on the radio last night? -yes, i did. - what did you (think) of it? 13 i di not know that you were here. have you (been here long? -yes, i've been here for two months. — have you (been to the cathedral? ~ yes, i went there last sunday.14 have you ever (tried to give up smoking? - yes, i (tried last year, but then i (found) that i was getting fat so i (started) again.15 have you (seen today's paper? - no, has anything interesting (happened)? - yes, two convicted murderers have escaped from the prison down the road.16 has mary (fed) the cat ? - yes, she (fed) him before lunch. ~ what did she (give) him? -she (gave) him some fish.17  how long have you (known your new assistant? - i have known him for two years. — what did he (do) before he (came) here? - i think he was in prison.18 i have not seen your aunt recently. - no. she has not been out of her house since she (bought her colour tv.19 has the plumber (been here yet? - yes, but he only (stayed for an hour. - what did he (do in that time? - he (turned off the water and (emptied the tank.20 where have you (been?   i was out in a yacht. - did you (enjoy) it? - yes, very much. we (took) part in a race. did you (win)? ~ no, we (came) in last.21  how long has that horrible monument (been there? - it has been there six months. lots of people have written) to the town council asking them to take it away but so far nothinghas been done.22  i have just (been to the film war and peace. have you (seen it? - no, i haven' is it like the book? - i (did not read) the book. - i (read) it when i was at school. -when did tolstoy (write) it? - he (wrote) it in 1868. - did he (write) anything else? 23 hannibal (broght elephants across the alps. - why did he (do) that? - he (wanted to use them in battle.24  where have you (been? - i have been to the dentist. ~ did he (take) out your bad tooth? - yes, he did. - did it ( yes, horribly.25 she (said that she'd phone me this morning, but it is now 12.30 and she has not phoned yet.26 i have just (received a letter saying that we have not paid this quarter's electricity bill. didn't i give) you the money for that last week? ~ yes, you did. but i'm afraid i have spent it on something else.27  how long have you (been out of work? - i'm not out of work now. i have just (started a new job. - how did you (find) the job? - i (answered an advertisement in the paper.28 have you (finished checking the accounts? -no, not quite. i have done about half so far.29 i have cut my hand rather badly. have you a bandage? - i'll get you one. how did it (happen)? - i was chopping some wood and the axe (slipped.30 how did you (get) that scar? - i (got) it in a car accident a year ago.31 did you (meet) my brother at the lecture yesterday? -yes, i we (had coffee together afterwards.  32 he (lost his job last month and since then he has been out of work. - why did he (lose) his job? - he was very rude to mr pitt.

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