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Найдите маркер времени определите временную форму запишите верный вариант глагола. 1) He broke his leg while he...(played/was playing) football. 2) I...(was working/ had been working) as a shop assistant for three years before I got the position of a manager. 3) She...(had been writing/ wrote) the composition the whole morning but hasn't written even a half. 4) After she...(was finishing/had finished) her homework she read a comic.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) He broke his leg while he was playing football. 2) I had been working as a shop assistant for three years before I got the position of a manager.

3) She had been writing the composition the whole morning but hasn't written even a half.

4) After she had finished her homework she read a comic.

Iwould like to tell you about my last trip abroad.  this august i went to sharm-el-sheik, egypt. i went there with my parents. we went there by plane. we stayed in hotel "gufa". we spent a lot of time on the seaside and near the pool. we also had some interesting excursions - to cairo and to israel and on the boat. best of all i liked the excursion on the boat. some people were diving but i was snorkling. i saw different kinds of fish there. red sea is absolutely beautiful. i really like the way i spent my trip! and there's much more to do in sharm-el-sheik, and it's always hot there. that's why i think that i will come back to  sharm-el-sheik  next summer.

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