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Exercise 2.Make a sentence out of the two parts, 1. Experts estimate that within 1. for industrial production of
a few coming years new-generation materials at a

larger scale is being carried out in Russia, the USA, Europe and Ja­pan.

2. Numerous experiments on 2. very difficult on Earth.

3. They may include

4. In space there is no gravita­tional convection

5. Convection makes the pro­duction of some materials

6. But in zero-gravity condi­tions it is possible

7. It should be said that research and preparatory work

3. i.e. movement of gases or liq­uids because of difference of tem­peratures.

4. to grow large crystals and to study their structure.

5. super and semiconductors, metals, glasses, superpure biologi­cally active substances, etc.

6. the industrial production of various materials is to begin in space.

7. the Russian manned and un­manned space vehicles and space stations proved the advantages of the zero-gravity state for the pro­duction of some materials.

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Во 2 и 3 вроде . перепроверь на всякий.

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