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A1-соедините местоимения в именительном и объектом падежа. 1)i /a.us 2)he /b.him 3)they /c.me 4)we /d.them a2-выберите нужный глагол. the music is loud. thet you are saying. 1)couldn`t hear 2)can`t hear 3)couldn`t listen to 4)can`t listen to a3-выберите вариант с предлогом after. 1)you should your pet. 2)he key everywhere. 3)youshould knowledge. 4)youshould the rule. a4-отметь неправильное предложение. 1)german is spoken everywhere. 2)the door was closed. 3)the book read last year. 4)this girl will be sent for.

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