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2. Writing Write the text about animals. This questions to help you.
1. Do you like animals?
2. What is your favorite animal?
3. What domestic animals do you know? Name them. .
4. What wild animals do you know? Name them.
5. Have you got a pet?
6. What is it?
7. Are you afraid of spiders?
8. Are you afraid of snakes?
9. Have you ever been to the Zoo?
10. What animals did you see there?

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Ответы на вопрос:

Hermitage - one of the largest art museums in the world, which exposition is located in more than 350 rooms. a special place is occupied by the state rooms of the palace. the museum opened the exhibition of the department of the ancient world, the western european department, oriental department, the department of primitive culture, the department of history of russian culture, "gold room", numismatics. эрмитаж - один из крупнейших художественных музеев мира, экспозиция которого расположена в более, чем 350 залах. особое место занимают парадные интерьеры дворца. в музее открыты экспозиции отдела античного мира, западноевропейского отдела, отдела востока, отдела первобытной культуры, отдела культуры, "золотая кладовая", нумизматики.

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