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. Read the text and do the tasks below. (1 point for each right answer) Protecting nature

In Kazakhstan there are many different animals, birds and plants. But some species are in danger. The country has seven important nature reserves. These reserves are working hard to save the country’s endangered species.

If you travel 25 km to the east of Almaty, you will find the beautiful Almaty Nature Reserve. This reserve covers an area of 73300 hectares and it contains 137 different species of plants, 39 species of animals and 200 species of birds. Endangered species at Almaty include the golden eagle, the Turkestan lynx, the snow leopard, the ibex and the red bear.

A large part of the reserve is closed to the public. This helps to protect the wildlife. It is possible to get special permission to visit.

As well as the birds, animals and plants, the reserve has other attractions. More energetic visitors enjoy climbing Mount Talgar, which is four thousand nine hundred and seventy three meters high.

Write True or False:

1. All species of animals in Kazakhstan in danger.

2. Almaty Nature Reserve is located to the east of Almaty.

3. All visitors can walk around all parts of the reserve without permission.

Answer the questions:

4. How many different species are protected in the reserve?

5. What kinds of animals are contained in the reserve?

6. What other attraction is there in the reserve?

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Ответы на вопрос:

To protect - protection  of animalsзащищать(глагол) - защита(существ.)животных

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