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Составьте диалог за текстом. My family is rather big. It consists of mother, father, little brother, grandparents, uncle, 3 aunts and 4 male cousins and me. Even if my parents, my brother and I live separately, we often visit my grandparents and get together with the whole family on holidays.

My mother is 43 and she works in a restaurant. Her work takes a lot of time, but she is satisfied with it, anyway. My father is 45 and he is an entrepreneur. He has been working in the furniture industry for more than 20 years. My sibling is only 10 years old and he goes to school. He is good at maths and English.

My family is very united. We are on good terms and trust each other. We like hosting friends and they come to visit us very gladly. My mother and I usually cook something special. I am good at baking, that’s why I like treating our guests with excuisite desserts and cakes.

My grandparents are calm and caring. My grandfather is an honoured surgeon in the country. He is 70 but he still works a lot and operates almost every day. My grandmother used to be a teacher at school and also a professor of English. My grandparents play a significant role in my education and life.

My family is highly important to me. My parents and grandparents planted a love of learning to me. They taught me good manners, correct impression of what a family is, which qualities any person should have. To my mind, family plays one of the main roles in everyone’s life. Family lays the groundwork for personality.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1the manager asked if i  had  done such work before? 2 my mother asked me if i was  happy? "  3 my grandparents asked if i would  visit them on saturday? " 4 i asked kate if she had  had man interviews before? " 5 she asked me if that was my  first interview? " 6 when i saw christopher, i asked him if he had got  that job? " 7 the teenager sad he had  to get up early in the morning." 8 the teacher said if we were  working hard at our report? " 9 he asked me if i  believed in miracles? " 10 liz's boyfriend said that he  loved her and he always would. 

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