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2. Поставьте слова в притяжательный падеж методом проставления апострофа ‘s там, где это возможно: Пример 1:
Вопрос: (Kate) diary
ответ: Kate’sdiary
Пример 2:
Вопрос: (a cup) coffee
ответ: a cup of coffee
1. (a glass) water
2. (my father) car
3. (furniture) room
4. (Sandra) dress
5. (five minutes) walk
6. (dean) office
7. (number) car
8. (three days) work
9. (the dog) dress
10. (Russia) export

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

My father's room

Dan's dog

Her mother's car

Sasha told dasha she was  looking good that day.ann said she didn't want to sit there.the lady asked if she could pay by cheque.the teacher asked why all windows were open.tom asked how often ann went shopping.  mother told nick not to make noise.he said i must/had to do it at once.he said he had seen  him once in london.

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