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I. Выберите правильный вариант. 1. The … is in the kitchen.
A bathtub B fridge C bookcase
2. June is the … month of the year.
A sixth B six C sixteen
3. I can drive a car but I … fly a plane.
A don't know B can't C can to
4. Do you … your teeth every day?
A wash B brush C do
5. Be quiet! You … make noise.
A mustn't B must C can
6. We had a nice picnic in the ... .
A restaurant B stadium C park
7. You're on holiday. You ... wake up early.
A have to B needn't C mustn't
II. Выберите нужный ответ.
e.g. How about Thursday then?
a I'm OK.
b I'm afraid I can't.
3 Would you like anything to drink?
a A glass of juice, please.
b Yes. I'd like a fruit salad, please.
1 Let's do something tonight!
a Like what?
b I'm sorry.
4 Could I have your name, please?
a Yes. It's Brown - Mr T Brown.
b Thank you, Mr Brown.
2 Can I have the menu?
a Here you are, sir.
b No, I'm on a diet.
5 How do you like the fireworks?
a Yes, they are.
b They're brilliant.
III. Напишите антонимы к данным словам
1 nice – …..
2 love – …..
3 interesting – …..
4 wonderful – …..
IV. Выпишите лишнее слово
1 pizza, hamburgers, tennis, fish
2 boring, dull, great, awful
3 weekend, always, never, sometimes
4 sitcom, reading, news, drama
V. Постройте предложения, расставив слова в правильном порядке.
1. She/late/is/never.
2. We/go/sometimes/camping.
3. free/you/Are/tomorrow?
4. play/do/you/not/tennis

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Ответы на вопрос:

V 1 She never is lates

2 We sometimes go camping

3 Are you free tomorrow

4 Do you not play tennis


Популярно: Английский язык