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План описания картинки 1. Описание места The picture ѕhоwѕ ... ( На картине изображено ) Или In the picture I can see ... ( На картинке я вижу ) The picture shows the famny . There are mother , her daughter and son . 2. Описание действия Для описания картинки или фото мы всегда используем Настоящее длительное ( Present Continuous іs / are / am + Ving ) The girl is smiling . The boy is sitting and decorating the Christmas tree . They are smiling and talking .
The mother is holding the box with Christmas toys . 3. Описание внешности человека / людей на картинке The boy / The girl is beautiful They are beautiful . The boy / The girl has big brown / green eyes , long / short fair hair His / her face is pretty . The girl is tall / short , fat / slim . He is wearing warm blue / yellow / dark / red / orange / white / green / black clothes : / skirt / trousers / suit . 4. Описание реакции на фото : нравится ли фото и почему I really like this picture because the atmosphere in this picture is amazing / friendly / great . ( Мне нравиться эта картинка потому , что атмосфера на картинке невероятная дружелюбная великолепная ) It makes mе thіnk ( заставляет меня подумать о ) about my winter Vacations / family / last holiday . Task 2​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.i wish it was summer now and we had holidays  2. i wish he  hadnt come to the conference so early yesterday 3.  i wish i were with   you then 4..i wish you werent late 5.i wish my parent bought a country house ,then we would be able to spend our weekends there . 6.i wash i hadnt stayed in moscow last july,the weather   was very opressive.

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