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Поставьте в пропуски правильную форму глагола to be в Present Simple Active и правильную профессию из этого списка.
Переведите предложения на русский язык.

Jobs: doctor, student, pilot, nurse, teacher, surgeon, driver, trucker, taxi driver, musician, receptionist, shop assistant, electrician, artist, painter, plumber, carpenter, joiner, dressmaker, tailor, beautician, librarian, firefighter, mechanic, butler, programmer, dentist, sailor, air hostess, pianist, waiter, director, conductor, housewife, confectioner, cook, manager, cleaner, hairdresser, writer, poet, secretary, translator, guide, builder, dog specialist, chess player, pupil, tennis player, forester, diver, traveler, butcher, criminal, lawyer, judge, prosecutor, singer, astronomer, astronaut, maid, dairymaid, farmer, bartender, web designer, vet, serviceman, janitor, railway man, announcer, welder, glazier.

Пример: My name is Tom. I take care of people’s teeth. I am a dentist.
Меня зовут Том. Я забочусь о зубах людей. Я дантист.

1. Diana has been trained in medical science. Her job is to treat people who are sick or injured. Diana … a …
2. John and Robert own and manage a farm. They … …
3. Keith cuts up and sells meat in a shop. Keith … a …
4. Max works in a forest, takes care of the trees, plants new ones. Max … a …
5. We are studying at a university. We … …
6. Susan milks cows and works on a farm in a dairy where milk is kept and where butter and cheese are made. Susan … a…
7. I am Arthur. I serve customers at their tables in a restaurant. I … a …
8. Brandon is trained and qualified to advise people about the law and to represent them in court, and to write legal documents. Brandon … a …
9. Alan and Max operate the controls of an aircraft. Alan and Max … …
10. We take care of sick and injured people in a hospital. We … …
11. I am Betty. I take care of the rooms in a hotel. I … a …
12. You are a public official who charges somebody officially with a crime and prosecutes them in court. You … a …
13. Carl is a doctor who is trained to perform medical operations that involve cutting open a person’s body. Carl … a …
14. Colin's job is driving a truck. Colin … a …
15. Bella works in a court and has the authority to decide how criminals should be punished and to make legal decisions. Bella … a …
16. Cheryl and Monica show tourists around interesting places. They … …
17. Debby works in an office, deals with letters and telephone calls, types, keeps records, arranges meetings with people. Debby … a …
18. Grace and I cut, wash and shape hair. We … …
19. I am Frank. I play a musical instrument and write music. I … a …
20. Jennifer deals with people arriving at or telephoning a hotel. Jennifer … a …
21. Lesley and Nora serve and take care of passengers on an aircraft. They … …
22. Mabel serves customers in a shop. Mabel … a …
23. Evan runs a shop. Evan … a …
24. George and Sean write programs for computers. They … …
25. I am Henry. I connect and repair electrical equipment. I … a …
26. Hugh repairs cars and the engines of vehicles. Hugh … a …
27. James is the main male servant in a large house. James … a …
28. Kyle fits and repairs things such as water pipes, toilets, etc. Kyle … a …
29. Neil and Simon put out fires. They … …
30. Oscar makes and repairs wooden objects and structures. Oscar … a …
31. Perry works on a ship as a member of the crew. Perry a …
32. Quentin tells the actors and staff what to do. Quentin … a …
33. I am Ralph. I stand in front of an orchestra and direct its performance. I … a …
34. Molly gives beauty treatments to the face and body of her customers. Molly … a …
35. Page and Peggy stay at home to cook, clean, take care of the children, etc. while their husbands go out to work. They … …
36. I am Rachel. My job is cooking food. I … a …
37. You are Stacy. You clean other people’s houses and offices. You … a …
38. Tracy makes women’s clothes. Tracy … a …
39. Neil travels and works in a spacecraft. Neil … an …

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Ответы на вопрос:

Как рокерша могу сказать, что мы своенравный народ. мы живем ради драйва и верим только в сегодняшний день. мы не признаем законы общества. мы сами себе закон. многие считают нашу музыку плохой и депрессивной,   но это не так. вообще мы позитивные люди. а в текстах наших песен много правды и истины. я надеюсь, что нашу музыку поймут и оценят.  мы не всегда ходим в черном. мы не поклоняемся сатане. мы добродушны. наша музыка с  надрывным вокалом от несправедливой жизни. просто не судите, пока не узнаете.

Популярно: Английский язык