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Упражнение 29. Вставыте артикли a/an, the uли -. What (1) beach? beautiful day today! Why don't we go to (2) - Yes, but (3) at (4) beach is always being crowded! Let's stay garden. We can have (6) home and sit in (5) lunch there. But I want to go out. I start (7) this is (8) Well, let's go out tonight. There's (9) (10) - О. К. but (12) (13) That's true. We may go to (14) watch (15) Oh, no. That's boring. I want to go to (16) -All right. work tomorrow and last day of my holiday. good film on at theatre. cinema, or we can go to (11) theatre's too expensive. It's about $15 seat. cinema then or we can television at home. cinema.

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Ответы на вопрос:

yes,they are.

no , didn't

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