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Complete the blanks with the words below. like






Drama is literature that is written in order to be performed. A tragedy is a story ending unhappily

with something 1)


happening to the hero. A comedy is a funny story which

has a happy ending. William Shakespeare wrote hilarious comedies and

heartbreaking tragedies. As You 3)

as a boy and escapes to the 4)

When his father dies, Hamlet's 5)

It is a very funny comedy. Rosalind dresses up

.There she meets Orlando. Hamlet is a sad tragedy

Claudius becomes the king. The ghost of

Hamlet's father tells him that Claudius murdered him. Romeo and Juliet is considered one of the

great love stories. Romeo and Juliet like each other but their families are 6)

Will they be together? These plays are still performed all around the world.

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