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Выписать сказуемые в временах, определить время Mistakes that worked

Have you ever made a mistake that actually turned out to be something good? Believe it or not, a lot of things we use every day were a result of accidents! Here is one of these amazing stories!

Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming had been experimenting with bacteria for a long time before he made his most important discovery in 1928. Being a very sloppy scientist, he used to leave his culture plates all around his messy lab and then forget about them. One day he noticed that there was some mould on one of the bacteria samples he had left by an open window. He took a closer look and saw that there was something around the mould. This made him realise that the mould was able to destroy harmful bacteria. He had discovered penicillin.

Since then, his discovery has helped millions of people around the world recover from illnesses.

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