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Complete the sentences with the Past Continuous in the Passive Voice of the verbs in the brackets. 1. When we arrived at the party, drinks (serve).
2. We (introduce) to our new teacher when the door
3. Mark looked back to make sure he (not/follow).
4. all the cars (stop) by the police or just some of
5.the bank (rob) while we were sitting in the café
opposite it?
6. The model (photograph) for a magazine when
suddenly felt ill.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. When we arrived at the party, drinks were being served.

2. We were being introduced to our new teacher when the door


3. Mark looked back to make sure he wasn't being followed.

4. all the cars were being stopped by the police or just some of


5.the bank was being robbed while we were sitting in the café

opposite it?

6. The model were being photographed for a magazine when

suddenly felt ill.

He saw a movie yesterday. – Вчора він бачив фільм. ...
She finished work, went to the store and bought a new dress. – Вона закінчила роботу, пішла в магазин та купила нове плаття. ...
Bill studied Japanese for six years. ...
She played the piano. ...
She didn't like apples before.

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