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хоть что-то)) IV. Make these sentences passive:

1. They keep many devices in the drawers.

2. Students employ different equipment when heating of solutions.

3. We’ll carry out the experiment tomorrow.

4. They used balance in their work.

5. They invited her to take part in the conference.

V. Form Participle I (Active and Passive), Perfect Participle, and Participle II of the following verbs, translate them:

Cut, carry out, invite, fix, teach, equip

VI. Translate the sentences, mind the modal verbs, and underline them:

1. Everyone should know a foreign language.

2. To make supercomputers, we need highly developed electronics and new materials.

3. Students must take exams in January.

4. One should know that «roentgen» is a unit of radiation.

5. We were able to read that article in the library.

6. Marie Curie needed a laboratory and equipment for her research.

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"language is a treasure that follows its owner everywhere." nowadays many of us try to learn different languages. surely, there are many reasons to for choosing a language.

the first reason can be connected with our career. we choose a language which is spoken in that country where we are going to learn or to work.

the second reason is to elevate our minds. it is known that a language is a perfect source of learning about a certain nationality. thus we will be able to lean more about the culture and the traditions   of a concrete nationality.

the third reason is that each new learnt language opens us gates towards other countries. we are able to visit many countries and to make new friend communicating with them, if we can speak one or two foreign languages.

so, there are many useful things which we can do if we leant a language.

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