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Every day Omar wakes up at seven thirty when his alarm clock rings. He gets up and then goes to the bathroom. After that he makes breakfast for him and his wife, Betty. Omar is a

train driver and he wears a uniform.

Omar starts work at eight o'clock and drives trains on the London Underground. He

always works in the mornings from Monday to Friday. At noon he stops work for half an hour

to have his lunch. He eats cheese and tomato sandwiches which Betty makes for him, and drinks

a bottle of milk. After lunch he works until four o'clock and then he goes home. In the evening

he plays with his baby son, Ben, and watches TV with Betty. At ten thirty they all go to bed

because they are very tired - and because they get up so early in the morning!
Explain you answer. 4 points

5. Are Saturday and Sunday his days off(Explain it)?​

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Ответы на вопрос:

Список продуктов a bottle of water ( вода) sandwiches juice(сок( fruits(фрукты) potatoes(картошка) chips(чипсы) дела play games(играть) communicate(общаться) to fry potatoes (жарить картошку) have fun(веселиться)

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