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. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the past perfect. 0 My friend had left (leave) by the time I got to the swimming pool.
1 Ben couldn’t buy the T-shirt he wanted because he (spend) all his money.
2 I watched a great programme on TV last night. I (not see) it before.
3 (Mum/make) dinner when you arrived home last night?
4 Jack wanted to buy tickets for the concert, but they (sell out).
5 (you/meet) Sam’s friend before?​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. I want them to come at 5.

2. We will not let him lie.

3. I saw that she left the room.

4. I saw her leave the room.

5. They did not expect us to return.

6. We will make him speak.

7. Alice watched them dance.

8. Peter saw her get up, open the door and leave.

9. I would like to visit my parents.

10. I see that this is a serious problem.

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