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1. If I …(get) money, I …(buy) this watch. 2. I …(start) crying if you …(leave) me along.
3. I …(finish) the work in time if you… (stop) interrupting me.
4. I… (go) to Spain for two weeks if I …(have) holidays.
5. Susan …(enjoy) music if she …(go) to the concert
6. I …(buy) a new car, if I …(earn) a lot of money.
7. The car …. (start) if I ….(turn) the key.
8. If we ….(have) a car, we ….(go) for a drive in the country.
9. We …(paint) the house if we ….(have) the time.
10. If I ….(be) a millionaire, I … (buy) my wife a palace.
11. Tom ….(see) the Bolshoi Theatre if he ….(go) to Moscow.
12. If you …..(have) toothache, you ….(go) to the dentist
13. Kate ….(meet) you at the station if she ….(have) free time.
14. If James …(wash) the floor, he …(play) computer games all evening.
15. My granny …(visit) us if she ….(be) ill.
16. Children …(play) football if they …(do) their homework early.
17. If Harry ….(come) to visit us for a weekend, we …. (be) very glad.
18. If he …(save) money, he ….(be) able to go on holiday.
19. You ….(pass) the test if you ….(study) more.
20. If it … (not/ start) to snow, we … (walk) to the supermarket.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)If I will get money,I will buy this watch;

2)I will start crying if you will leaveme alone;

3)I will finish the work in time if you will stop interrupting me;

4)I will go to Spain for two weeks if I will have holidays;

5)Susan will enjoy music if she will go to the concert;

6)I will buy a new car if I will earn a lot of money;

7)The car will start if I will turn the key;

8)If we will have a car,we will go for a drive in the country;

9)We will paint the house if we will have a time;

10)If I will be a millionaire,I will buy my wife a palace;

11)Tom will see the Bolshoi Theatre if he will go to Moscow;

12) If you will have toothache,you will go to the dentist;

13) Kate will meet you at the station if she will have free time;

14)If James will wash the floor,he will play computer games all evening;

15)My granny will visit us if she will not be ill;

16)Children will play football if they will do their homework early;

17)If Harry will come to visit us for a weekend,we will be very glad;

18)If he will save money,he will be able to go on holiday;

19)You will pass the test if you will study more;

20)If it will not start to snow,we will walk to the supermarket.


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