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N1 Put the correct words into the gaps. two books can't beautiful French
old comfortable can are deep can't

Hi, my name is Kate. | live in Krasnodar in a 1)___ flat with
my big family. | have got a mum, a dad,2)___ sisters and a baby

My mother’s name is Olga. She is 38 years 3)___ and she’s a
doctor. She helps people. My mum is very kind and 4) . She
5) ___cook different food.

My father’s name is Vladimir and he is 39. He is a driver. He
6) play the guitar, but he can speak 7) . My dad is funny
and clever, he reads a lot of 8) .

My sisters’ names 9) Ann and Sara. They are 7 and 8.
They are noisy, funny, but 10) ___down they're caring. They car
make people laugh. They are students.

Tom is my baby brother. He is naughty and noisy. He 11)
___walk yet.

N2 Answer the questions
1. What can Olga do?

2. Who is a driver?

3. Who are students?

4. Who is 8?

5. Can Kate’s mum cook?

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Ответы на вопрос:

Skuːl deɪz ðə ˈhæpɪɪst deɪz ɒv jɔː həʊl laɪf səʊ ɔːl ðə ˈgrəʊnʌps seɪ bʌt aɪ wʊd ˈnɛvə gəʊ tuː skuːl ɪf aɪ kʊd hæv maɪ weɪ. maɪ ˈpɛnsl pɔɪnt ɪz ˈbrəʊkən, maɪ pɛnz rʌn aʊt ɒv ɪŋk maɪ hɛdz ʤʌst fɪld wɪð ˈsɔːdʌst ænd wɪð ˈsɔːdʌst juː kɑːnt θɪŋk. ðə ˈhæpɪɪst deɪz ɒv jɔː həʊl laɪf səʊ ɔːl ðə ˈgrəʊnʌps seɪ, bʌt aɪ wʊd ˈnɛvə gəʊ tuː skuːl ɪf aɪ kʊd hæv maɪ weɪ.

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