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Вставьте соответствующие слова переделывая их в герундий. то есть добавляя окончания -ing- to invite, to meet, to cry, to read, to wash up, to learn, to break, to write, to do

2) i thanked him forme to his party. 3) the little girl began. 4) the pupils are busy withthe exercise. 5) i am afraid ofthis cup. 6) my sister hates 7)this poem is necessary. 8) please forgive me for notto you. 9) my granny lovesnew novels.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

2) i thanked him for...invitingme to his party. 3) the little girl began. .crying4) the pupils are busy withdoingthe exercise. 5) i am afraid of...breakingthis cup. 6) my sister hateswashing up 7)...learningthis poem is necessary. 8) please forgive me for not..writingto you. 9) my granny loves...readingnew novels.​


1. Jane’s father is very thin.  

2. Men’s trousers are very expensive.

3. Jim’s shirt is very long.

4. Is your brother a businessman?

5. My mother and I would like some tea.

6. These are Ayşe’s and my books.  

7. Mrs. Brown’s daughters are in the garden.

8. Where is Gökçe’s mother? 9. My father’s car is blue.

10.That rabbit is grey. The rabbit’s ears are long.

11.The students’ books are in the classroom.

12.This is Mrs. Brown’s coat, but these are the children’s coats.

2. Rewrite these sentences using HE, SHE, IT, THEY, WE, HIS, HER, THEIR, OUR, ITS:

1. He is very thin.  

2. They are very expensive.

3. It is very long.

4. Is your brother a businessman?

5. My mother and I would like some tea.

6. These are our books.  

7. They are in the garden.

8. Where is she?

9. His car is blue.

10. It is grey. Its ears are long.

11. Their books are in the classroom.

12.This is hers coat, but these are their coats.

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