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In the text above, find the sentences which have the same meanings as the ones suggested below.
1. They live in an expensive house.
2. His father earned much money.
3. I’ll phone you until you answer.
4. Did you like your journey to Boston?
5. You are never bored when you are together.
6. I had no idea what was going on.
7. The place is really marvellous.
8. I hadn’t free time while I was in Boston.

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Ответы на вопрос:

С. залог:

The room is cleaned every day.

Комнату убирают каждый день.

The shirts have just been ironed. – Рубашки только что погладили

She has been invited to the restaurant. – Ее пригласили в ресторан

The car was repaired yesterday. Машина была отремонтирована вчера.

The ditch have been dug. Канава была выкопана.


He has not been seen anywhere-Его нигде не видели.

This building will be demolished next month-Это здание будет снесено в следующем месяце.

My dog has been stolen-Мою собаку украли.

The big cake was baked by Sam-Большой пирог был испечен Сэмом.

These clothes are made in Italy. – Эта одежда изготавливается в Италии.

Тут их 10. Выбери что хочешь :)

Популярно: Английский язык