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Task 3.  Fill in with modals may, can, could, had to, didn’t have to. / Заполните предложения модальными глаголами  may, can, could, had to, didn’t have to.  
1.   My grandfather ride a camel for miles when he was young.
2.   You buy the book. You could have borrowed it from the library.
3.   I see your ticket, Sir?
4.   We call a taxi because the buses from the airport weren’t running.
we visit our cousins in Kazakhstan this summer, / Mum?                   ​

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Ответы на вопрос:

There is a person who knows how to open this box.

There are a lot of wild animals.


are применяется к множественному числу и you we they

is применяется к he she it, также если у нас что-то одно

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