26.07.2022 06:20
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Chemistry Test. Form 8. Version 1 1) Find the mass for 10 mol of water a) 18g b) 36g c) 360g d)180g
2) Calculate the number of atoms in 25g of Lithium (Li) . (NA = 6,02∙10²³)
a) 1,5∙10²³ b) 2,5 ∙10²² c) 1,5∙10²⁵ d) 1,5∙10²⁴
3) The number of moles of hydrogen (H) in 2moles of ammonia NH₃ a)3 b)6 c)1 d)10
4) Calculate the number of moles in 3L of CO₂ gas at STP a)1,3 b)0,13 c)0,26 d)3,6
5) Calculate the relative density of methane gas CH₄ according to helium (He) a)1 b)2 c)4 d)3
6) How many moles of aluminium sulphide Al₂S₃ can be produced from the reaction of 20 moles aluminium with sulphur? 2Al + 3S = Al₂S₃ a)10 b)20 c)2 d)1
7) The coefficient before oxygen in the reaction SO₂ + O₂→SO₃
a)2 b)1 c)4 d)3
8) The molar mass of Zn SO₄
a) 161 b) 158 c)146 d)132
9) Correct formula to calculate mol (n)
a) n= b) n= c) n= d) n=
10) The greenhouse gas:
a) O₂ b)O₃ c)N₂ d)Cl₂
11) Solid fuel
a) petrol b) coal c) natural gas d) fuel oil
12) The formula of acid is
a)Cu(OH)₂ b)NaNO₃ c)H₂SO₄ d) N₂O₅
13) The formula of salt is
a)Cu(OH)₂ b)NaNO₃ c)H₂SO₄ d) N₂O₅
14) The formula of oxide is
a)Cu(OH)₂ b)NaNO₃ c)H₂SO₄ d) N₂O₅
15) The formula of base is
a)Cu(OH)₂ b)NaNO₃ c)H₂SO₄ d) N₂O₅
16) Al will react with
a) CuSO₄ b) NaNO₃ c) CaCO₃ d) MgCl₂
17) Combustion is a reaction of substance with
a) metal b) oxygen c)hydrogen d)fuel
18) The products of the reaction CaCO₃→…….+…….
a)Ca + CO₂ b) CaC + O₂ c)CaO + CO d) CaO + CO₂
19) The passive metal
a) lithium b)calcium c)mercury d) magnesium
20) This metal does not react with water:
a) Au b)Na c)K d)Ca
21) 1 mole of oxygen gas occupies the volume
a)16L b) 22,4 L c)32L d)11,2L
22) Na +O₂→
a) NaO b)NaO₂ c)Na₂O d)Na₂O₃
23) A combustible substance:
a) copper b) iron c)glass d)oil
24) Valency of Cl in CaCl₂
a) I b) II c) III d)IV
25) Number of neutrons in
a) 15 b)16 c)31 d)46

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Ну, что неорганические вещества делятся на (1)оксиды,  (2)соли, (3)основания, (4)кислоты. (1)оксиды делятся на оксиды ме и неме (металлы-неметаллы) (2)соли делятся на растворимые и нерастворимые (3)основания делятся на растворимые (щёлочи) и нерастворимые (4)кислоты делятся на кислородсодержащие и бескислородные.

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