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1.Douglas were running in the city marathon when I saw him.
2.The children is going to leave for the summer camp tomorrow
3.Ruth have washed all the linen lately
4.The married couple shall have visited five countries by the end of their honeymoon
5.Jamie had be playing for three hours before we came in.
6.Next year Susan will have be working here for ten years.
7,William and Duncan will be write the exam at this time tomorrow
8.Mother have just called children to dinner
9.Mr. Tucker had sold his car before he bought a new one
10.There was a smell of food when we came in. Somebody had be cooking
11.In winter I will have been write this book for a year
12My family has been keeping this diamond ring for years

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Ответы на вопрос:


1. was running

2. were going

3. без have

4. has been

5. had been

6. will have been working

7. will be writing

8.  had

9. sell (had sold)

10. had been

11. have been writing

12. was keeping

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