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3. Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола to be 1. They ... my friends
2. She ... a teacher.
3. We ... in the school.
4. Tommy and Billy babies?” “Yes, they..."
5. I... a student.​

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

1. They are my friends.

2. She is a teacher.

3.We are in the school.

4.Yes, they are.

5. I am a student.

Спряжение глагола to be: I am, you are, he/she/it is, we are, they are


They are my friends. She is a teacher. We are in the school. "Tommy and Billy babies?" "Yes, they are." I am a student.


Tomorrow, there will be a kvk (ke). please create a block for eight hours to save your character or put on (? - peace shields щиты мира(покоя) или shields of the  world щиты мира(земли, другого пространства))

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