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6 класс лексико-грамматический тест 1.Pass me ….. butter, please.
a) an
b) any
c) some
2.Sometimes she ……for a walk with her dog
a) doesn’t go
b) don’t go
c) didn’t go
3.Where is mum? She ……….. TV in the living room.
a) watches
b) watched
c) is watching
4.That horse is than this one.
a) high
b) the highest
c) higher
5.There is pillow on the bed.
a) the
b) a
6. There is a garden . the house.
a) behind
b) between
c) in
7.My elder brother coins last year. It . his hobby.
a) collect, was
b) collects, is
c) collected, was
9.Sally . Scotland next summer with her aunt.
a) visits
b) will visit
c) visit
10.My parents .fly to Paris on Sunday
a) going to
b) go
c) are going to
11.His father interested in Art
a) are
b) am
c) is
12.Mary is the girl I have ever seen.
a) most beautiful
b) beautiful
c) more beautiful
13.You study well,.. ?
a) do you
b) dont you
c) doesnt you
14.These grey are so lovely.
a) mouse
b) mice
c) mices
15 dog is so smart! Id like to have such a clever dog!
a) Pete
b) Petes
c) Petes
15. His uncle used to.. a lot.
a) travelling
b) travel
c) travelled
16. When you phoned me I lunch
a) used to
b) had
c) was having
17. The room every day.
a) cleans
b) cleaning
c) is cleaned

19. He asks what .
a) she likes
b) did she like
c) does she like
20. Inga buys neither cheese. butter.
a) and
b) or
c) nor
21.Granny asks me . eat ice cream.
a) dont
b) not
c) not to
23. Is it your book or is it .?
a) my
b) mine
c) her
25. It is the . mistake Ive ever made.
a) bad
b) worse
c) worst
26. He happy if he wins his next match.
a) will be
b) is
c) was
27. If I have money I a bike.
a) will buy
b) buy
c) would buy
28. Dont wash the plates today! Ill do it ..
a) yourself
b) myself
c) yourselves
29. The story must
a) be finish
b) be finished
c) to be finished

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ipersonally  support the idea that "fast food restaurants are the same everywhere, so you know exactly what you want".  fast food chains like mcdonald's and kfc tend to have the same menu everywhere in the world with the exception of some items that are specific to certain countries. therefore, even if you go abroad and want to grab a quick meal, you know exactly what to order even if you can't speak the language. here are some more arguments to support the idea of fast food restaurants: -the food is affordable and better  than snacks. quite often many teenagers can be seen in fast food restaurants on the weekends because they can't afford to have food at sit-down restaurant when they get hungry. so instead they tend to buy sugary and unhealthy snacks like crisps and chocolate bars. although fast foods are not as healthy as home-made food, they are still more nutritious and filling that snack that are full of empty calories. - they are convenient. there is usually a large number of fast food places near business districts so it makes it easier for busy office and shop workers with short breaks  to grab a quick lunch or even have it delivered to their workplace.  - takeaway food. sometime families don't feel like cooking food for dinner so they can always order a large family-size meal instead. there are even healthy options like salads.  - job opportunity. fast food restaurants offer jobs to thousands of people worldwide especially to students who struggle to support themselves while studying at the university. 

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