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1. Выбери из скобок герундий или инфинитив. 1) Does Sally enjoy … (to go/ going) to the gym?
2) We expect … (to leave / leaving) tomorrow.
3) The firemen managed … (to put out / putting out) the fire pretty quickly.
4) We arranged … (to meet / meeting) under the station clock at half nine.
5) John refused … (to answer/ answering) my question.
6) I avoid … (to play / playing) my music really loudly.
7) Do you want … (to go/ going) out tonight?
8) After … (having / to have) a bath, she always cleans it.
9) It's no use … (to worry / worrying) about it now.
10) I look forward to … (visiting / to visit) London.
11) I can't stand … (to wait/ waiting) in queues.
12) In the end we decided … (to stay / staying) in.

2. Употреби инфинитив с частицей to или без неё.
1) We can … (speak) Chinese.
2) I'd like … (send) him a present.
3) She must… (stay)
4) We heard somebody … (enter) the room.
5) He always fails … (keep) his word.
6) I am trying … (lift) this heavy stone.
7) Let me … (give) you some advice.
8) You have … (be) friendly and polite.
9) The lawyer will …(call) you later.
10) He often makes me … (feel) guilty.

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Ответы на вопрос:

На сколько я помню, то всё это дело делается так:  1) “I can’t solve my Math problem,”- said Mark. Mark says that he can't solve his Math problem. и так далее, только не забывай переделывать от своего лица.  


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