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Нужна тут нужно выбрать одно из слов
and translate the sentences into Russian.
1. They are nice cotton dresses / dress for my nieces / niecess. 2. These ladys / ladies have knives / knifes. 3. Potatos / potatoes are vegetables and cherrys / cherries are fruit.4. Her children’s hair / hairs is dark. 5. In the farmyard we could see oxes / oxen, gooses / geese, sheep / sheeps. 6. All the available datums / data show that this process started in the East. 7. Economics / economic is a difficult subject. 8. The walls were decorated with forgets-me-not / forget-me-nots and lilies-of-
the-valley / lily-of-the-valleys.
2 ) Choose the correct form of the underlined nouns in the possessive case
and translate the sentences into Russian.
1. This is my cousin’s / cousins favourite cake. 2. We heard the men’s / mens’ shouts in the distance. 3. They are these students’s / students’ dictionaries.4. My mother-in-law’s / mother’s-in-law’s glasses are broken. 5. Helen and Bruce’s / Helen’s and Bruce’s house is enormous. 6. The show took three hour’s / hours’ time.7. We divide the history of the English language / history’English language
into three main periods. 8. There is something important in newspaper of today / today’s newspaper.
3 ) Choose the correct form of the underlined nouns with articles a (an),
the or without articles and translate the sentences into Russian.
1. I see a book / the book in your hand. Is a book / the book interesting? 2. He never eats a meat / meat. He always eats a vegetables / vegetables and
a nuts / nuts.3. These are a textbooks / textbooks. The textbooks / textbooks are new. 4. My father is a engineer / an engineer. He is at the work / work now.5. I often play a football / football with my friends. 6. What a wonderful day / wonderful day! The sky / sky is blue. 7. For a breakfast / breakfast I have a sandwich / sandwich with a butter / butter.8. Where is the butter / butter? - It’s on the your plate / your plate.

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Ответы на вопрос:

violin is not very big. it has four strings and bow. it has very gentle and pleasant volume. people say, that if you hears violins volume, you would be healthy. 

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