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Написать по английски как я проводила свое лето Свое лето я проводила очень весело ,так как лето длиться долго я чаще начала видеться с друзьями и проводить с ними в основном Половина лета , На речку я ходила так и с родителями так и с друзьями , я сделала многое за лето ,Также я много куда ехала , Это лето я зря не теряла а пыталась потратить на более веселые и важные дела , Вообще Лето Задалось

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I spent my summer very cheerfully, since the summer lasts a long time, I more often began to see friends and spend with them mainly Half of the summer, I went to the river with my parents and friends, I did a lot over the summer, I also go to a lot I was driving, I did not waste this summer in vain, but tried to spend on more fun and important things, In general, Summer was asked.. Вот всё изи

I spent my summer very fun, because the summer lasts a long time, I often began to see friends and spend with them mostly Half of the summer, I went to the river like this and with my parents and friends, I did a lot over the summer, I also went a lot , I did not waste this summer in vain, but tried to spend on more fun and important things.


  explore - to  explore, exploration, exploring

  research-to  research, researching, 

investigate-to  investigate, investigation,investigating, investigative

observe - to  observe - observation- observing

carry out -to  carry out -  carriage

conduct- to  conduct- conduction-conductance, conductability

provide - to  provide-providence- provision 

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