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1. My neigbours are very _ because they make too much noise.
a) temtep, b) temping, c) annoyed, d) annoying
2. I am more than (concerned/concernig), i am extrimely (worried/worrying), why arent they calling us?
3. I dont mind (be/being) alone, its better (to be/being) with other people.
4. They all _ to me
a) look, b) look like, c) look alike, c) look like
5. Its raining and i dont want get home wet. I _ bringing an umbrella
a) had better, b) shouldnt, c) ought to, d) should
6. We got to the cinema late and the film _
a) already started, b) had already started, c) was already started, d) has already started

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Ответы на вопрос:

One night alan cockerell, a waiter from a hotel near loch ness, walked home. it was in 1988. alan worked late and finished work at two o’clock. he walked home alone. it was a clear night and there was a full moon. while he was on his way to his cottage, something happened. something appeared in the lake. it was large and black. alan hurried to his cottage to take his camera. but when he returned to the lake there was nothing there. alan was sure it was a loch ness monster nessie.

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