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А)употребите оборот места 1. sehool here in 1961 2. many children in the park yesterday б)вставьте артикль a, an, the где это необходимо 1. is broken 2.i programs on my tv 3. 4.my father is broken now 5.'s friend dog в)употребите неопределенное местоимение some, any, on 1.there in the fridge but there isn' 2.i need to buy a lot of things. there to waste г)употребить нужную степень прилагательного 1.the alps are (high) mountains in europe 2.it is one of (important) questions of our conference 3.your english is (good) now 4.even (long) day has the cnd 5.his answer is ( bad) than yours

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Ответы на вопрос:

A1 was 2 were b 1 - 2 - 3 -, a 4 a 5 -, - в 1 some, any 2 no г 1 the highest 2 the most important 3 better 4 the longest 5 worse

А)употребите оборот места 1.there was  a school here in 1961 2.there were  very many children in the park yesterday б)вставьте артикль a, an, the где это необходимо 1. is broken 2.i programs on my tv 3. is a student 4.my father has a  car. the car is broken now 5.'s friend dog в)употребите неопределенное местоимение some, any, on 1.there is some  butter in the fridge but there isn't any  milk 2.i need to buy a lot of things. there is no  time to waste г)употребить нужную степень прилагательного 1.the alps are the  highest mountains in europe 2.it is one of the most  important questions of our conference 3.your english is good now 4.even the  longest  day has the end 5.his answer is worse  than yours 

1. larger

2. the most clever

3. stronger

4. taller

5. the biggest

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