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Check your understanding: multiple choice. Circle the best answer for these questio 1. Choose the correct option: We lives in California. We live in California
2. Choose the correct option. My mum's mexican. My mum's Mexican
3. Choose the correct option. She's Spanish teacher. She's a Spanish teacher.
4. Choose the correct option. My dad name is David/My dad's name is David.
5. Choose the correct option. She's got long, brown hairs. She's got long, brown hair.
6. Choose the correct option. My dad's got short brown hair and blue eyes. My dad go
brown hair and blue eyes.
7. Choose the correct option. He work in a bank/He works in a bank.
3. Choose the correct option. We've a pet dog. We've got a pet dog.
Writing task.
Task 2. Look at the picture and write a short text about the people of your family.
E3 E
Английский (США)
KK 50G

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1 - We live in California.

2 - My mum's Mexican.

3 - She's a Spanish teacher.

4 - My dad's name is David.

5 - She's got long, brown hair.

6 - My dad's got short brown hair and blue eyes.

7 - He works in a bank.

3 - We've got a pet dog.

Writing task:

Task 2:

Dear #your friend(вместо ника напиши имя/write your name here except nickname) , Let me tell about your family. My family is big. I have mother, father, sister/brother, grandmother and grandfather. We live in Russia. My mum's name is Yuliya, she is Russian and speaks perfect English, Russian and Swedish. She is good at drawing nature pictures and also she likes writing short funny stories. She is short and chubby, but it do not makes her look bad. Also she has long brown hair and blue eyes.

My dad's name is Aleksandr. He is Russian, too. He is tall and a bit athletic. My father is math teacher. He is severe and somethimes he punish me.

My sister is 12 years old, her name is Sofia. She likes solving crosswords, so I haven't seen her without her lovely crossword book, really!

She has light hair and green eyes, like my father.

I love my family!

Write soon about your family and we will discuss it.

With great love, #you(вместо этого напиши своё имя)


The turtle skull is one of four modern groups of reptiles, whose fossils are traced for more than 220 million years. the detachment contains about 328 modern species, grouped into 14 families and two sub-orders. the meat of some species of turtles can be poisonous, as the diet of these species includes toxic organisms. among land turtles poisonous can be box turtles meat, in the diet of which poisonous mushrooms are included, and among sea turtles there are cases of poisoning with beef turtles and leathery turtles that eat poisonous jellyfish.turtles - longevity record holders among all vertebrates. the giant tortoise named aivat has lived for at least 150, and possibly 250 years.turtles lead a monotonous species of life. land turtles feed mainly on plant food, and freshwater fish, malus and others.черепаха-черепа́хи — один из четырёх современных отрядов пресмыкающихся, ископаемые останки которых прослеживаются на протяжении более 220 миллионов лет.отряд содержит около 328 современных видов, группируемых в 14 семейств и два подотряда.мясо некоторых видов черепах может быть ядовитым, так как рацион этих видов включает в себя токсичные организмы.среди сухопутных черепах ядовитым может быть мясо  коробчатых черепах, в рацион питания которых входят ядовитые грибы, а среди морских черепах известны случаи отравления мясом черепах  бисс  и  кожистых черепах, которые ядовитых медуз.черепахи  — рекордсмены по долголетию среди всех позвоночных животных.гигантская черепаха по имени  айвата  прожила не менее 150, а, возможно, и 250 лет.черепахи ведут однообразный вид жизни.сухопутные черепахи питаются в основном растительной пищей,а пресноводные рыб,малюсков и других.

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