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Теxt 2
There was onсе а very bad king. All the pсople hated him. Опе hot day the king was walking along the river. He decided to take a swim. The king was a good swimmer, but when he got into the water, he suddenly felt a pain in his side. He stаrted to drown. Two farmers were working in a field nearby. They jumped in the water and saved him. They didn't know that he was a king until he was out of the water. The king was very grateful to the farmers. He said to them, "Yoи have saved my life. Ask me for everything you want". Опе of the farmers said, "I need two buffaloes to help тe in the fields". The king promised he would give him the animals. Then the king asked the other farmer. "What is your wish?" The other faner was old and wise. Ile thought and thought. Then he said, "Don't tell anyone thatI helped save your life".
Task 2 Mark statements true (+) or false (-).
1. The king could not swim well.
2. Neither of the farmers could swim as well.
3. The king wanted to show his gratitude to his savers.
4. The first farmer preferred to have buffaloes.
5. The old farmer asked no riches of the king.
6. Servants worshiped their king.​

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ол кандай тапсырма екен

1) He asked us not evening stay outdoors for too long.


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