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I .Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form 1. Alexandra always (do) her work in time, does
2. This group (be) popular with the young since the last year.
3. When I ( come ) into the room my parents (talk) to my teacher.
4. Mother said we (go) to the Crimea in summer.
5. I cannot talk to you now but I (ring) you up in half an hour.
6. Are you in a hurry? I (drive) you to the station.
7. We'll sing “ Happy Birthday" as soon as Nick (enter) the room.
8. The scientific expedition (leave) for Africa tomorrow.
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Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. does

2. has been

3. came; were talking

4. would go

5. will ring

6. will drive

7. enters

8. is leaving

present continuous

I am reading a book – Я читаю книгу (сейчас).

Don't make a noise, Mary is working – Не шумите, Мария работает.

She is always interrupting me – Она постоянно меня перебивает.

My sister is having her hair cut at the moment – В данный момент моя сестра стрижется.

I'm watching a movie at the moment – В данный момент я смотрю фильм

She works in a hospita lОна работает в больнице.

2 They prefer pop-music. Они предпочитают поп-музыку

3He speaks Japanese and Spanish. Он говорит на японском и испанском языках

4We have 2 apples and 4 oranges. У нас есть 2 яблока и 4 апельсина

5She gets up at 6 o'clock in the morning. Она встает в 6 часов утра

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