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He didn’t know yet what he (to do) on Sunday
She telephoned me to ask when I (to go) to Minsk
Everybody thought that they (to take) the exams next month
Collin asked Richard if he (be) free the following day
Mike hoped that his friend (to help) him
Yesterday Tom heard that Jane (to come) in a week
She was sure that they (to marry) next year
We knew that we (to have) our exams in June
She asked me when my parents (to return) from the country
Mother said that she (to cook) dinner in two hours
They asked me when our lecture (to begin)
I asked my sister when she (to begin) to learn French
I was sure that my sister (not/forget) to ring me up
I supposed that they (to be late) for the train
He believed that he (to solve) the problem in time.
We hoped that we (to enjoy) the snow in the mountains.
Did you know that your brother (to enter) the University next year​

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Ответы на вопрос:

This year marks the 30th anniversary of our independence. This is an important milestone, marking the revival of Kazakh statehood and the acquisition of freedom, the dreams of which were cherished by many generations of our ancestors. By the standards of history, 30 years is just an instant. However, for many peoples, this period included an entire era filled with difficulties and victories, crises and achievements. We are going through it too.I would describe the first decade of Independence as the time of laying the foundation for a new Kazakhstan. Under the leadership of Elbasy, state symbols were approved, an effective system of power was formed. National currency introduced. The Armed Forces have been created. The Basic Law of the country was adopted. Established diplomatic relations with foreign states. Kazakhstan became a member of authoritative international organizations

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