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Заполните пропуски, употребив правильную степень сравнения прилагательных, данных в скобках. 1. there were a lot of people in the museum. it was than usual (crowded). 2. buda is as pest (interesting). 3. it’s to learn a foreign language in the country where it is spoken (a lot / easy). 4. we complained about the food in our hotel. but instead of improving, it got and (bad). 5. buda is not so as pest (modern). 6. it’s city i have ever seen (woderful). 7. the public transport system in budapest is one of and in the world (good/ cheap).

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. more crowded 2. interesting 3. a lot easier 4. worse and worse 5. modern 6. the most wonderful 7. the best/ the cheapest

1. As soon as you improve your quality of ...

1. life b) health c) exercises

1. Regulate your diet and physical exercises, you will see good...

1. results b) habits c) affects

1. Sport is a good way to reduce stress and improve your state of

1. life b) health c) diet

1. It is also possible to exercise or walk with

1. a dog b) someone c) a friend

1. If you train with friends, you will

yourself even more.

1. like b) play c) enjoy

1. Sugar affects your

and can't fill you for a long time.

1. head b) lungs c) heart​


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