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Дополните данные предложения следующими словами: grab, display, argument, leaned, takes, breath, gallop, weird, crowd, training. 1. She …………. down and kissed the little girl on the cheek.
2. Cockroach racing ………… place every year on January 26th in Australia.
3. Motocross riders receive special ………….
4. The man was riding his horse at full ………….
5. The men didn’t agree so they had a(n) ……………
6. Cockroach racing is a ………… sport.
7. A collection of animal specimens is on …………at the museum today.
8. To win Kumis alu, you have to …… a lot of handkerchiefs.
9. My holiday in Bali took my ………… away.
10. The …………… enjoyed the races very much.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Да, тут везде present simple. пардон.  1. the earth goes around the sun. 2. the moon goes around the earth every 27 days. 3. i like my grandmother's cakes.  4. my sister plays piano very well. 5. i like studing english. 6. my father works at the factory. 7.  i always help my brother in his studies. 8. my sister  usually gets up at eight o’clock. 9.  my brother plays violin and sings. 10.  i always  close   the window at night.11.  the boys  do not cry .  12. my father has a new car. 

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