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на анг язк БЖБ ex1-2-3​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. I hope that kindness as well as justice will be the guide of all people in future.

2. Don't get off the bus till it stops. - Don't worry, I will not (won't) do it.

3. You mustn't cross the street until the light changes.

4. If you look after the luggage, I will buy the tickets. - Sure, I will do it.

5. Will you get home by bus or by taxi tomorrow? - I will take a taxi.

6. I will see you home? - No, thanks. I will go home with my school friend.

7. If the car is out of order again, you will have to call the service station, but I doubt if they will be able to serve it very quickly.

8. Nobody knows what will happen in ten or twenty years if life gets tougher and tougher.

9. I wonder if they will turn to us if any need arises.

10. My little son wants to know if there will be some cartoons on TV on Saturday. If there are some, he will certainly watch them. ​


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