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1 Project ( 1 Helping hands Make a list of people who need your help. Make a list of charity projects, Think of activities you will do to help those in need. Make a poster to illustrate your project. Project 10предложений​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) we (have walked) ten kilometres. 2) we (have been walking) for three hours. 3) cuckoos (don't build) nests. they (use) the nests of other birds. 4) i am on a diet, i (have been eating) nothing but apples for the whole week. 5) he usually (drinks) coffee but now he (is drinking) tea. 6) tom and ann (are having) a long conversation. i wonder what they (are talking) about. 7) i won't go out now as it (has been raining) since early morning and i (have) no umbrella. 8) tom can't read the newspaper at the moment because his mother (is reading) it. 9) the student (has worked) very well this term. 10) (do you believe) all that the newspapers say? – no, i (don't believe) any of it. – then why (do you read) newspapers? 11) i (have been working) with him for ten years and he (has never said) "good morning" to me. 12) (have you heard) the news? tom and ann are engaged. 13) your hands are so dirty. what (have you been doing) all this time? 14) what (are you thinking) of? - i (am thinking) of the holidays. 15) what time is  the train   arriving? - it   is  arriving at three tomorrow.

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