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1. Discuss the following question. ‘Albert Einstein and other scientists aided the US in developing the Atomic Bomb and pressed regret a year before his death.’ Why do you think Einstein regretted inventing the atomic bomb?

Task 2. Choose a famous person to write about. Use the Internet to find information about this person and use the graphic organizer below to write a plan.

Task 3. Write a biography of the person you have chosen. You should:

Include 3-4 important facts about the person

Use topic-related vocabulary

Use conjunctions

Use appropriate style

Descriptor A learner

Task 1 - shares ideas and hypothesis regarding the question.

Task 2 - completes the graphic organizer with relevant information

Task 3 - includes 3-4 facts in the biography; uses topic vocabulary; uses appropriate conjunctions in the biography; uses appropriate style.

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Ответы на вопрос:

I love to watch movies as I'm a movie addict.

There are always some things that you like more than the other.

There is a movie which is my all-time favourite and its name is ''A Walk to Remember''.

It is very simple and full of emotions.

I can watch that movie over and over again.

I will never get bored with that movie.

Популярно: Английский язык