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Составь к данным предложениям отрицательные и вопросительные предложения в Present Perfect. 1. He has already arrived to airport. 2. Mike and Sally have just left the work place. 3. We have cleaned our house since morning, * Мой ответ

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. He hasn't already arrived to the airport.

Has he already arrived to the airport?

2. Mike and Sally haven't just left the work place.

Have Mike and Sally just left the work place?

3. We haven't cleaned our house since morning.

Have we cleaned our house since morning?

1. you must keep your room clean. 2.you must tidy your room regularly. 3.you must hoover the carpet every week. 4. you must mop the floor twice a week. 5. you must make you bed. 6. you must dust the furniture every week. 7. you must put your clothes to the wardrobe. 8. you must put all your books to the bookshelf. ну я думаю достаточно)

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