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. We put on masks and and wear funny clothes. 2. It happens at the end of the rainy season to apologise for making it dirty.

3. We light the candles and on the rivers.

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Ответы на вопрос:


1)What does Jim look like?-He"s...... .

a)short with fair hair b)twelve c)friendly

2)What a  re you like?-I'm .... .

a)tall and slim b)fourteen c)kind and caring  

3)Whose is this school bag?-It's  ... .

a)Sarah's b)saran c)sarahs'

4.Is your ..... room upstairs

a)parens b)parents' c)mum and dad

5).... the window please.It's too hot in the room.

a)Open b)Don't open c)Close

6).... apples.We bought a lot of apples yesterday.

a)Not buy b)Don't buy c)Buy

7)Hurry up! You're as slow as .... .

a)owl b)mouse c)snail


1) a 2) c 3) a 4) b 5) a 6) b 7) c


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