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SDo the quiz by completing the Niagara Falls is between 2 Sharyn Canyon is 200 km from 3 The Atlantic Ocean is the ocean in the world . 4 Machu Picchu is an 5 Lakeis in Kazakhstan 6 There are many types of the Sharyn Canyon. 7 Monsoons form in the​

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Шосте ноября тысяча сімсот шістдесят другого сімнадцяте мая тисяча деветсот девяносто восьмого одинадцяте апреля тисяча шісот шісдесять сьмого

Shoste noyabrya tysyacha simsot shistdesyat druhoho simnadtsyate maya tysyacha devet·sot devyanosto vosʹmoho odynadtsyate aprelya tysyacha shisot shisdesyatʹ sʹmoho

Sixth of November one thousand seven hundred sixty-two seventeenth of May one thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight eleventh of April one thousand six hundred and sixty-seven

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