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2 A. How do they want to travel? Choose and write what
they say
bus. bike, walk, train, car, tube
Amy and Rob are friends of the Earth. They want to
look after our world. Mr Big doesn't care about the
Earth, he wants to go fast.
1. Am Let's go to the cinema.
Roos Scall we walk?
Amy No, let's go by bike.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) i have already done the work. 2) yesterday by 3 p.m. he had prepared all the documents. 3) tomorrow by midday she will have come for an interview. 4) has he answered all her questions? 5) had she written the report before the manager came? 6) will they have finished the course before the end of the month? 7) we have never been so happy. 8) have you ever been to london?

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